and Decompress Back Stretcher 3 Minutes A Day Low Back Traction Therapy Spinal Decompression Inversion Table Alternative Safe for All Back Condtions (Large Harness No Bar)
About This Product :
DAILY TREATMENT TIME STARTS WITH 3 MINUTES PER DAY. This stretch will improve your back pain, relieve nerve pain, increase range of motion, improve stiffness and improve spinal alignment. As you improve increase your time 1 minute per week. Follow the plan for best results. Lifting your legs or dangling will stop decompression because your core muscles will tighten. Keeping your feet on the ground allows your body to relax, increasing your back stretch.
PRODUCT SHIPS SAME DAY MONDAY – FRIDAY. EXPECT PRODUCT ARRIVAL 1-3 DAYS. When Sit and Decompress arrives be sure to follow the instruction manual for best results. Many people think doing more time than what is suggested will speed up the healing process, healing takes time. Doing too much too soon without building endurance can over stretch your spine and slow your progress. Some will notice improvement after 1 use. If this is you still stick to the plan.
SIT AND DECOMPRESS OFFERS ALL THE BENEFITS OF AN INVERSION TABLE, PLUS YOU DON”T HANG UPSIDE DOWN. Be sure to check out Sit and Decompress”s dedicated website where you will find videos and tips for you to maximize your results.
CHIROPRACTOR DESIGNED. You may hear audible release (cracking or popping) while decompressing.Those that visit the chiropractor for adjustments will recognize this popping. When this happens, enjoy the instant relief. Patient /Customer Satisfaction is #1.
60 DAY SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. Made in USA. For best results follow the plan that comes with the product, it is a proven way to fix your back pain.
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