USA Trampoline Springs Heavy Duty Stainless Steel Replacement Springs Trampoline Accessories Trampoline Parts with T Hook, 20pcs-Pack


About This Product :

  • EURMAX Galvanized Trampoline Springs a set of 20 packs with hooks. The length of the spring is 5.5 inches.
  • IMPORTANT: Prior to purchasing, measure your original springs from hook end to hook end, disconnected from your trampoline, and completely unstretched. For help, please contact .
  • Heavy Duty Trampoline Springs are designed to replace your trampoline”s rusted, worn out, dangerous springs and return bounce to your old sagging mat.
  • Each spring is designed to exceed your original manufacturer specifications, offering the excellent steel, the thickest steel guage, and the most coils to provide the safest, strongest, and bounciest springs.
  • For more protection, consider ”s Premium Springs featuring zinc plating to help ensure a longer life in humid/wet environments by helping to prevent premature rusting (oxidation).

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