6 Pack Biotene Oral balance Dry Mouth Moisturizer Gel, 1.50 Oz.For relief of dry mouth symptoms, Biotene Oral Balance Gel helps to soothe oral tissues while administering long-lasting relief. It is the number-one recommended brand by both dentists and hygienists and is designed to provide hours of relief. Biotene dry mouth gel can also be used under dentures to improve retention and comfort. This dry mouth gel is all you need to eliminate moderate dry mouth symptoms and sustain lasting relief.
Experiencing Dry Mouth at night? Biotene Oralbalance Moisturizing Gel provides soothing, moisturizing relief in a small tube that’s perfect for discreet application. Both portable and easy to use, Biotene Oralbalance Moisturizing Gel can help alleviate symptoms for up to 4 hours, making it ideal for long-lasting Dry Mouth symptom relief. Start a new regimen with Biotene Oralbalance Moisturizing Gel and relieve Dry Mouth symptoms today.
Dry Mouth is a condition where your mouth feels uncomfortably dry. It can happen when your body doesn’t produce enough saliva to keep your mouth moist. Symptoms vary from person to person and can range from being mild to severe. Common symptoms may include dryness in your mouth, a sticky feeling in the mouth, bad breath, feeling thirsty, difficulty swallowing or eating dry foods. Dry Mouth can be uncomfortable, and left untreated it can have consequences on your oral health. It may result in a greater risk of cavities and mouth infections.
Active Ingredients: Glyceryl Polymethacrylate; Polyglycitol; Xylitol; Hydroxyethylcellulose; Beta-D-Glucose; Sodium Phosphate; Aloe Vera; Potassium Thocyanate; Lysozyme; Lactoferrin; Glucose Oxidase; Lactoperoxidase.
- Biotene Oralbalance Moisturizing Gel provides soothing, moisturizing relief in a small tube thats perfect for discreet application
- Biotene Oralbalance Moisturizing Gel can help alleviate symptoms for up to 4 hours making it ideal for long-lasting Dry Mouth symptom relief.
- Soothes and protects dry mouth tissues against minor irritations and burning sensations
- Oralbalance can also be used under dentures to improve retention and comfort. Long-lasting 8 hour relief
- Helps relieve dry mouth symptoms
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