Bow hunters know how important it is to bring deer in as close as possible for the shot, and that is exactly what Imperial Whitetail BowStand is designed to do. It can be planted with minimal effort and equipment. Imperial Whitetail BowStand establishes quickly and begins drawing deer right away – even in partially shaded sites, with its unique blend of 12 premium forage components. It will keep deer coming into your plot well into late winter.
Imperial Whitetail Bow Stand:
- Fall annual designed to attract deer to small, remote food plots for bow hunting
- Includes new specially selected radish and lettuce, and other highly attractive forages
- Designed for maximum attraction with minimal planting effort
- Designed to flourish even in partial shade
- Can be planted with minimal seedbed preparation
- EXTREMELY drought and cold tolerant
- Contains a soil pH booster to help optimize forage growth even in slightly acidic soils
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