This is a Pre-Owned book. All our books are in Good or better condition.
- Format: Paperback
- Author: Todd Anton
- ISBN10: 1579401449
- ISBN13: 9781579401443
In no professional sport have more men sacrificed for their country than baseball. In No Greater Love, many baseball veterans tell their stories – more than just the facts of what they did, but, more importantly, how they felt about their service and how their war experiences changed them as players and as men. Simultaneously, Anton pursues his own personal mission to honor his late father, a World War II/Korean War combat veteran.
This is a Pre-Owned book. All our books are in Good or better condition.
In no professional sport have more men sacrificed for their country than baseball. In No Greater Love, many baseball veterans tell their stories – more than just the facts of what they did, but, more importantly, how they felt about their service and how their war experiences changed them as players and as men. Simultaneously, Anton pursues his own personal mission to honor his late father, a World War II/Korean War combat veteran.
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