Ideal to use for germinating seeds in flats, pots, and plugtrays!
Key Product Features
- Perfect growing medium for all your seedling applicationseven vegetables and herbs
- Provides a mixture of fine ingredients to give seedlings theaeration and moisture retention they need for strong development
- Contains Canadian sphagnum peat moss, RESILIENCE, perlite,and an organic wetting agent for optimal root growth
- You will receive (1) 8-Quart bag with your order
Optimize your gardening strategies with the SunGro BlackGold All Purpose Seedling Germination Mix. This premium seedling mix is idealfor germinating seeds in flats, pots, and plug trays. It’s the perfect growingmedium for all your seedling applications even vegetables and herbs. Thisuniversal mix provides a mixture of fine ingredients to give seedlings theaeration and moisture retention they need for strong development. The superiorgardening mix contains Canadian sphagnum peat moss, RESiLIENCE, perlite, and anorganic wetting agent for optimal root growth. Each bag is sold with 8 quartsof seedling mix. Whether you’re growing plants or vegetables the SunGro BlackGold All Purpose Seedling Germination Mix has got you and your gardeningambitions covered.
- Organic: Yes
- Brand Name: Black Gold
- Container Size: 8 qt.
- Product Type: Seed Starter Mix
- OMRI Certified: Yes
- Fertilizer Enriched: No
- Packaging Type: Bagged
- Product Type: Seedling Mix
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