CimeXa™ Insecticide Dust is the premier industry-leading insecticide for control of bedbugs and many other pests. Its engineered silica composition achieves rapid control while remaining viable for up to ten years when undisturbed.For control of bedbugs, fleas, ticks, lice, roaches, ants, firebrats, silverfish, spiders, mites and drywood termitesKills bed bug adults, nymphs and nymphs hatched from dusted eggs – including pyrethroid-resistant bed bugsThe preferred treatment for brown recluse, yellow sac, hobo and other persistent spiders indoorsLabeled for treating cracks, crevices, voids, mattresses, carpets, pet rest areas, attics, and many other areasOdorless, non-staining desiccant structure will not absorb water vapor except in very high humidity conditions, preventing clumping and maintaining its active ability once appliedEasy to apply – can be used as a dust or mixed with water and sprayedLow toxicity, engineered silica base exhibits exceptional absorption of watCimeXa Insecticide Dust
Dimensions | 3.6 × 3.4 × 10.2 in |
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