Dynasty Gallery deskpop hand cut crystal paperweight with felt bottom, Van Gogh Irises 4 Inches x 2.6 Inches. Introducing a new collection of Crystal Paperweights, in designs spotlighting today’s popular culture. Each hand-cut paperweight features modern shapes, a felted bottom for a sophisticated finish, and an elegant gift box.Deskpop Handcut Crystal Paperweight With Felt Bottom Van Gogh Irises
Deskpop Handcut Crystal Paperweight With Felt Bottom Van Gogh Irises
500 in stock
Category: Paper Weights
Tags: Bottom Van, Bottom Van Gogh, Crystal Paperweight, Deskpop Handcut, Deskpop Handcut Crystal, Felt Bottom, Felt Bottom Van, Handcut Crystal, Handcut Crystal Paperweight, Van Gogh
Dimensions | 1 × 1 × 1 in |
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