Otostick’s story starts when Francisca Gamero, her creator, realizes that herdaughter’s ears begin to separate with only 4 months of age due to the badpostures taken at bedtime. After the daily observation, he noticed that thesebad postures were due to the lack of strength in the neck of her baby,appreciating that she dragged his head by the pillow when moving. Followingthe logic of the rest of orthopedic products and solutions, her creatorthought that the growth of the ear in a suitable position would manage to keepthe ear in this natural position permanently. She tried to find, withoutsuccess, a non-invasive solution for the correction of protruding ears. Inspite of the existence of orthopedic products that corrected certain physicalconditions, there was no non-invasive solution that corrected the excessiveseparation of the ears orUnknown
Otostick | Cosmetic Ear corrector | It Contains 8 Correctors | From 3 Years of Age
500 in stock
Dimensions | 8.4 × 1.3 × 2.01 in |
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