Bandai Digimon is the unique Digital Monster from cyberspace. Accessed from Megalithic Mainframe, DigiMon comes to you to be hatched, raised and trained for the ultimate monster match — a cyber showdown between one DigiMon and another. With the exclusive dock ’n rock action, you link up your DigiMon with your friend’s DigiMon — only one will win! Who will reign victorious? It depends on how well you raised and trained your DigiMon. Feed him well; train him thoroughly. For when the time comes for DigiMon to return to the Megalithic Mainframe, his ultimate honor is to be the strongest! Controlling a virtual reality monster is an awesome responsibility. Your Digimon has journeyed far to be trained by you. Train your DigiMon well, and you will be rewarded with a DigiMon that is – the strongest! What kind of DigiMon will you raise?The original virtual Monster you loved back in the ‘90s is back!Feed him, provide medical attention, turn lights on/off, clean up after him, check his heath and train him then pit in against your friend’s DigiMon in a binary bout.DigiMon will alert you when he’s hungry or requires more training.Engage the exclusive dock ‘n rock feature and pit your DigiMon in a binary bout against your friend’s DigiMon.The Digital Monster you train for action.
Bandai Original Digimon Digivice Virtual Pet Translucent Green
500 in stock
Category: Electronic Games
Tags: Bandai Original, Bandai Original Digimon, Digimon Digivice, Digivice Virtual Pet, Original Digimon, Original Digimon Digivice, Pet Translucent, Pet Translucent Green, Translucent Green, Virtual Pet, Virtual Pet Translucent
Dimensions | 8.3 × 5.8 × 8.5 in |
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