Paw Patrol is a children’s television series about Ryder, who leads a team of "Search and Rescue" dogs that call themselves Paw Patrol. Together, they face risky situations where each pup’s skill set may be required, protecting the people of Shoreside Community with teamwork. This Paw Patrol PJ product features two pajama sets. The first set-top features the three dogs known as Chase, Rubble, and Marshall with the words "Play all Day" and a dark blue set of pants. The second set features an all-over print of the pups’ faces, along with a bone and paw. These sets are perfect for your little one to snuggle up in and watch their favorite show or bedtime. These sets are perfect for mixing and matching together, and they are made from soft cotton fabric.
- SIZING / SOFT FABRIC BLEND – This PJ is listed in boy’s sizing. It is made of a soft 100% cotton.
- DETAILED THEME – The first set-top features the three dogs known as Chase, Rubble, and Marshall with the words "Play all Day" and a dark blue set of pants. The second set features an all-over print of the pups’ faces, along with a bone and paw. These sets are perfect for mixing and matching!
- FEATURES – This is a two-piece pajama jogger set. It has long sleeves
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