This La Roma Tomato produces abundant crops of large (5 to 8 ounce), tasty fruit on a healthy well sized plant. It is highly disease resistant and can be planted in the ground or in a container. It is one of the best "Italian-type" tomatoes, and is known for its outstanding growth and uniformity of fruits. It is the ideal tomato for pastas and sauces and is great for canning too. La Roma tomatoes are flavorful and juicy and have very few seeds, they are a great addition to any meal. When planting in the garden leave at least 24 inches between plants. This variety does not require staking or caging, but the extra support can still be considered helpful as the plant is bushy rather than tall. Water lightly to keep soil moist. Control weeds with cultivation or mulch. When planting these and all other tomatoes, plant to a soil depth just beneath the first set of leaves. That first set of leaves (called cotyledon-which means the embryonic first leaves) will eventually fall off. Roots will form along the buried stem, establishing a stronger root, thus a stronger plant. La Roma III is a heavy producer and you can expect a plentiful harvest in 70-80 days (from seeding)..La Roma Red Tomato Plant – Two (2) Live Plants – Not Seeds -Each 5"-7" Tall in 3.5" Pots
La Roma Red Tomato Plant – Two (2) Live Plants – Not Seeds -Each 5′-7′ Tall in 3.5′ Pots
500 in stock
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