TheQuickScreen Single Panel Drug Test Dip Cardis a fast, easy to use and easy to read drug test that isMade in the USA. TheBuilt-In Timerturns red when the test is ready to be read, so you know that the test is working. Results will appear in1-5 minutesafter the sample has been collected.The QuickScreen Drug Test Dip Card is designed to be theeasiest to use, being built as one piece with no cap, soyou can leave the dip card in the sample (provided it doesn’t pass the MAX Urine line)rather than holding the sample, removing the sample, closing the cap, and then laying it out on a flat surface.Easy to Use / InstructionsCut-Off Levels and Detection PeriodThe QuickScreen Single Panel Drug Test Dip Card (9097T) tests for the following drug at the following detection period andcut-offlevelDrugDetection PeriodCut-Off LevelEcstasy (MDMA)2-4 Days1000 ng/mLHow to Read ResultsQuickScreen Drug Test Dup Cards; Parts and ConstructionTheQuickScreen Single Panel Drug Test Dip Cardis a fast, easy to use and easy to read drug test that isMade in the USA. TheBuilt-In Timerturns red when the test is ready to be read, so you know that the test is working. Results will appear in1-5 minutesafter the sample has been collected.The QuickSc
1 Panel QuickScreen Dipcard – 9097T – Ecstasy – MDMA
500 in stock
Category: Drug Tests
Tags: Panel QuickScreen, Panel QuickScreen Dipcard, QuickScreen Dipcard
Dimensions | 1 × 1 × 1 in |
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