Honeycomb, Raw, Tray 5.6 OZ 100% natural honeycomb. Hand cut directly from the bee hive frame. Let thy food be thy medicine. – Hippocrates. savannahbee.com. Entirely edible. With Cheese & Fresh Bread: manchego; piave; creamy blue; goat cheese; warm toast; hot biscuit; baguette. Product of Hungary. 5.6 oz (160 g) 211 Johnny Mercer Blvd. Savannah, GA 31410
- Honeycomb, Raw
- 100% natural honeycomb. Hand cut directly from the bee hive frame. Let thy food be thy medicine. – Hippocrates. savannahbee.com. Entirely edible. With Cheese & Fresh Bread: manchego; piave; creamy blue; goat cheese; warm toast; hot biscuit; baguette. Product of Hungary.
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