Haikyu!! is a Japanese anime series that follows a boy named Shoyo Hinata, who is determined to be a great volleyball player despite being small for the sport. He faces obstacles along the way as he joins a volleyball club. These black socks feature an orange and white jersey #10 design. Made from 98% Polyester, 2% Spandex, these socks will keep your feet comfy all day long.
- COMFORTABLE & STYLISH – Made with a super soft and stretchy dual-blend fabric for that extra comfortable feel when lounging or walking.
- DETAILED HAIKYU THEMED DESIGNS- These black socks feature an orange and white jersey #10 design.
- SIZING IS AS FOLLOWS – These are Sock Size 9-11 which translates into Women’s Shoe Size 5-10 and Men’s Shoe Size 5-8.
- CARE INSTRUCTIONS – Machine wash cold with like colors, tumble dry low. Do NOT bleach
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