The Easy@Home EMT-026 is a deluxe, reliable and clinically accurate thermometer for everyday home use for adult and child. It is designed to make oral, axillary or rectal temperature taking quick and easy, with oral temperature readings in as quick as 10-20 seconds. This digital thermometer is equipped with Feverline Indicating Technology to instantly and easily identify when a fever is present. At the completion of each measurement, the triangular arrow on the display will indicate whether the user has no fever (Green), a slight fever (Yellow), a middle fever (Left part of Red), or a high fever (Right part of Red). The accurate digital display window is easy to read with Large LED Screen Display.
Easy@Home Digital Thermometer for Oral, Rectal or Axillary Underarm Body Temperature Measurement, EMT-026:
- Fast Reading: In as quick as 10-20 seconds, this Easy@Home EMT-026 Digital Backlit Display Fast Thermometer measures and shows your highly ACCURATE oral temperature
- This thermometer can be used for rectal or armpit measurements too
- CLINICALLY High Accuracy: ±0.2 degrees Fahrenheit in range of 95.9-107.6 degrees Fahrenheit
- Measures Body Temperature to 1/10th of a degree precision (e.g
- 97.1 degrees Fahrenheit) in Celsius or Fahrenheit
- 3-Color Backlit Large LCD display to indicate temperature range for easy to read
- Memorize the last 10 temperature measurements
- FLEXIBLE TIP and WATERPROOF design: Easy and safe to use and clean
- 1 button operation
- Fever Alarm and measuring completion alert, Automatic self-test
- Auto shut-off and low battery indicator
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